The Diocese has several governing boards and committees comprised of lay and clergy representatives.
The Executive Board serves as the governing board of the Diocese and exercises general care and oversight of all matters affecting the welfare and work of the Diocese. As such, the Executive Board conducts the business of the Diocese between meetings of Diocesan Convention. The board presents the annual Diocesan budget to the Diocesan Convention. Each member serves on one of four working groups: Finance, Justice & Reconciliation, Property, or Mission & Evangelism. Meetings are held approximately five times a year. Each convocation is entitled to two clergy and two lay members of the Executive Board, each of whom serves a three-year term.
Executive Board
The Rt. Rev. Mark Bourlakas
Todd Ayers
Jack Barrow
David Bice
The Rev. Tuck Bowerfind
The Very Rev. John Church
The Rev. Alan Coward
Luke Cromwell
The Rev. Boyd Evans
Tom Fechtel
The Rev. Mark Frazier
The Very Rev. A.J. Heine
Mark Loftis
The Rev. Willis Logan
The Rev. Alexander MacPhail
Beth Marshall
Chuck Reedy
The Very Rev. Donna Steckline
David Todd
Laura Beth Weaver
Mitzi White
The Rev. William Yagel
The Rt. Rev. Mark A Bourlakas, Chair
The Rev. Tuck Bowerfind, Vice Chair
Mark Loftis, Chancellor
Chuck Reedy, Treasurer
The Rev. Canon Mark Furlow, Secretary
The Standing Committee meets under the authority of the Canons of General Convention and the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia. Its work is primarily concerned with issues of ordination, clergy discipline, and real property. It also serves as a council of advice for the bishop. The committee serves as the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese in the absence of a bishop. Meetings are held every month or as needed. Lay and clergy members serve on the committee for a three-year term.
Standing Committee
Brenda Garrison
The Rev. Gail Goldsmith, President
Heather Wamsley, Secretary
The Rev. Christopher Roussell
Peggy Whitehead
The Rev. Katherine Doyle
The Disciplinary Board serves under the authority of the Canons of the General Convention and the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia. Members of the Disciplinary Board may be appointed by their president to serve in panels that may convene to ascertain the facts and seek reconciliation or suggest the discipline of clergy who have violated the standards of conduct as enumerated in Canon IV.4 of the Canons of the General Convention. Members meet only to elect the president and to serve on panels if cases proceed.
Disciplinary Board
The Rev. Christopher Roussell
Aubrey Rosser
The Very Rev. John Church
Peggy Weston
The Rev. Emily Edmondson
The Rev. Matthew Rhodes
Susan Palmer
The Rev. Alexander MacPhail, President
Josephine Kelley
Karen Gilmer
The Very Rev. Scott West
Linda Hall
The Rev. Bill Bumgarner
For more information about the disciplinary process for Episcopal clergy under the Title IV canons or to report suspected clergy misconduct, please go to the Safe Church, Safe Communities page of this website for more information.
The Commission on Ministry assists the bishop in matters pertaining to the enlistment and selection of persons for the ministry and in the guidance and pastoral care of all postulants and candidates for holy orders, deacons, and professional church workers; in matters pertaining to the continuing education and career development of the clergy; in the deployment of clergy; and the establishment of standards and the provision of training for lay leaders in the Diocese.
Commission on Ministry
The Rev. Karin MacPhail
Darla Schumm
The Very Rev. Scott West
The Rev. Ben Cowgill
The Rev. Eric Long
Debbie Williams
Barbara Johnson
Dave Van Osten
Mary Conkling
The Very Rev. Susan Bentley, Chair
The Rev. Kathy Chase
David Hartman
Information on the Discernment Process & the Diaconate
The General Convention is the governing body of The Episcopal Church. Every three years it meets as a bicameral legislature that includes the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops, composed of deputies and bishops from each diocese. The Executive Council serves as the governing body of The Episcopal Church between sessions of General Convention, charged specifically with executing the program and policies adopted by Convention.
The 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church will be held in Louisville, KY (Diocese of Kentucky) from June 23-28, 2024. Get more information about General Convention.
General Convention Deputation
Lay Deputies
Mark Lofits (1)
Laura Beth Weaver (2)
Charlie Schindler (3)
Jack Barrow (4)
Lay Alternates
Tim Buchholtz (1)
Clergy Deputies
The Rev. Nina Salmon (1), Chair
The Rev. Canon Mark Furlow (2)
The Very Rev. Susan Bentley (3)
The Rev. Boyd Evans (4)
Clergy Alternates
The Rev. Ben Cowgill (1)
The Very Rev. John Church (2)
The Rev. Eric Long (3)
The Diocese of Southwestern Virginia is part of the Third Province of The Episcopal Church. The Province is governed by a Provincial Synod. Each Diocese elects deputies to represent the Diocese to the Synod. On General Convention years, Synod helps deputies prepare for General Convention. On other years, Synod meets for an educational program and business meeting with elections of Provincial Officers and Executive Council members from the Province. Get more information about Province III.
Provincial Synod Representatives
The Rt. Rev. Mark A. Bourlakas
The Rev. Benjamin Cowgill
Karen Gilmer
Charlie Schindler
The Very Rev. John Church
The Very Rev. Susan Bentley
Tim Buchholtz
Charlie Herbert