Established Ministries

Daughters of the King

The Order of the Daughters of the King welcomes all women and girls who are communicants of The Episcopal Church and churches in communion with it. Today, membership includes women in the Anglican, Episcopal, Lutheran (ELCA), and Roman Catholic churches.

The Daughters of the King was founded in 1885 and is now an international lay order. A Daughter pledges herself to lifelong prayer, service, and evangelism, dedicated to extending Christ’s Kingdom and strengthening the spiritual life of her parish.

For parish chapter and membership information, please contact Chesley Vohden, Diocesan DOK President, and visit

Episcopal Relief & Development

Episcopal Relief & Development is the compassionate response of The Episcopal Church to human suffering in the world. Hearing God’s call to seek and serve Christ in all persons and to respect the dignity of every human being, Episcopal Relief & Development serves to bring together the generosity of Episcopalians and others with the needs of the world.

Episcopal Relief & Development faithfully administers the funds that it receives from the church and raises from other sources. It provides relief in times of disaster and promotes sustainable development by identifying and addressing the root causes of suffering.

Episcopal Relief & Development cherishes its partnerships within the Anglican Communion, with ecumenical bodies, and with others who share a common vision for justice and peace among all people.

For more information, please contact Nick Moga, Diocesan ERD Coordinator and visit

United Thank Offering

The United Thank Offering is a daily ministry of grateful prayers that are tangibly expressed by dropping coins into your personal Blue Box. The coins are collected twice a year at Parish Fall and Spring Ingatherings. The total collections are given out in grants to projects that address compelling human needs.

The traditional date for the Spring Ingathering has been Ascension Sunday, but many churches choose other dates in the spring. In the fall, the Ingathering can be scheduled from mid-October to the end of November (often the closest Sunday to All Saints’ Day is chosen).

After Ingathering collections have been counted and deposited, please mail one check payable to “The Episcopal Diocese of SWVA” with a completed Ingathering Remittance Form enclosed to The Episcopal Diocese of Southwestern VA, PO Box 2279, Roanoke, VA 24009. Please indicate in the check memo if this collection is from the spring or fall Ingathering.

Blue boxes may be obtained through your UTO parish coordinator.

For questions about diocesan UTO grants, email Lynn Robertson, Diocesan UTO coordinator, or the Rev. Canon Mark Furlow at [email protected]. Or, visit the UTO website.